The capacity building program to boost global citizenship and innovative internationalization experiences at home was led by Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences in Finland (HH).
This is a fundamental component of the BeGlobal project and its objective was to increase the skills and awareness of students, academic and administrative staff of universities and other stakeholders, regarding the concepts of global competencies, social responsibility and civic engagement, to build a framework and a common understanding about Pedagogy for Global Citizenship, and improve knowledge and competencies in innovative internationalization experiences at home.
Its long-term purpose is to contribute to the improvement of the internationalization of higher education institutions, the promotion of skills and the employability of students.
The co-creation work for the Pedagogy for Global Citizenship is well underway. The enthusiasm and experience of the participants from the project’s partner universities have contributed to a successful collaboration.
The outline will serve as a tool for trainers during global citizenship training, which will be part of the next steps of work package number 3 (WP3).
The training will reinforce participants’ knowledge and understanding of global competence, the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and social responsibility. Engaging in intercultural dialogue on global citizenship attitudes and values will increase participants’ abilities to engage in local citizen action also with respect to specific issues.
The first training took place at the Universidad Católica del Maule (UCM), in Talca, Chile, last March 2024 with representatives of the BeGlobal project partners in Latin America and Europe.
The next training day will consist of a face-to-face meeting in Helsinki in November 2024 with synchronous online sessions, learning tasks and asynchronous learning modules on the Moodle platform that will be tested and rehearsed by trainers, students and NGO partners.
As happened in Talca, the HH team: Sini Bask, Katja Danska, Eeva-Kaisa Haavisto and David Mauffret will receive the participants and is preparing the BeGlobal meeting in Helsinki with great expectations about intercultural encounters and global change.