Training sessions focused on teaching Global Citizenship and the use of gamification as an educational tool at Haaga-Helia University
BeGlobal Helsinki Training Week The representatives of the Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) participating in the BeGlobal project, originating from Chile, […]
Pedagogy framework for Global Citizenship: teachers’ tool for supporting global competence
In rage and love, without which there is no hope, in dialogue, it is possible to remake the world. Paulo […]
BeGlobal Intercultural Kermesse
On September 25th, for the Cultural Week edition of Fundación Universitaria Juan N. Corpas, known as Semana de puertas abiertas, […]
How is the progress of the BeGlobal project disseminated?
Get to know the team and process behind the communication strategy to demonstrate that global skills can address local issues. […]
BeGlobal «A project that enhances the development of global skills and promotes internationalization at home»
In an exciting milestone towards internationalization, UNIMINUTO officially launched the Erasmus+ Be Global project during a day of excitement and […]
UCM coordinates international project that seeks to train «global citizens»
Funded by the European Community, universities in France, Finland, Colombia and Chile are participating. The integration that currently exists at […]
BeGlobal Project ratifies alliances with NGOs for training on «Global Citizenship» and internationalization
The initiative will be carried out by universities in Chile, Colombia, Finland and France. The BeGlobal Project, co-funded by the […]
Learn about our progress in the development of «Global Citizen Serious Games»
Université Côte d’Azur in France (UniCA) is one partner institution of the ambitious BeGlobal project, leading the WP4 «Global Citizen […]
Capacity development to promote «global citizenship» and innovative experiences
The capacity building program to boost global citizenship and innovative internationalization experiences at home was led by Haaga-Helia University of […]